Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lentils are delicious

I know what you're thinking, that can't be true, but they are - check out the recipe first...

So pics below.  I will definitely make this again because its easy and tastes great. Plus leftovers.

I made twice as many lentils as called for in the recipe to ensure leftovers

 Bell Pepper
 Lentils boiling away for 20 minutes
 Chopped up Green Bell Pepper and Onion
 I don't have whole tomatoes at the moment, so I improvised
 Little oil in the pan
 Throw in the veggies
 Lentils are almost done
 Veggies are beginning to get done
 Throw in the tomatoes add salt and pepper to taste
 Lentils twenty minutes later
 Oops that's too small
 Put everything in the big pot
20 minutes later on low, simmering.

Now I will say my little one she didn't care for it at all - but the Jello Banana pudding I made for dessert and sadly have no pictures of was a hit.

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.