Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Why do people idolize celebrity?

It makes little sense to me. Sure I have my favorites, and those I admire, but an idolization of a person is wrong, and I don't mean from a religious standpoint or anything like that. Surely we all know my take on religion by now. Anyway, those people are fallabale just like us. They are usually no better or smarter than the average person. And I am quite certain, to use an old adage, that their $%!& does in fact stink.

Yet, so many people idolize these mere mortals as though they were gods or demi-gods. Why on earth do they deserve so much praise? Why do keep them in such high regard in our own minds? They are but men and women, who will, like the rest of us, die on this planet and feed the worms. That is what that is.

I just don't see why we take people like Britney Spears, Denzel Washington, Katie Holmes, and the rest in this little bubble of "GREATNESS" when in fact they are just people. In some cases, truly only admired for their looks, not their talent.

It sickens me, these people, some think they deserve better, as though they really are demi-gods or the like. However, it is only because the populace keeps admiring that they get this bloated feeling. I mean so many of them have no talent at all, for instance Keanu Reeves, yet many think of him as some great and magnificent individual. He isn't, he is some loser and moron, who can just happen to read a script. That is all, in many cases that is what most celebrities are, the "pretty face", but there is nothing behind it.


What's so bad about a third party?

I mean, why is it in the U.S. that a third party is looked at with malice and disdain? Why are people so afraid of another choice, another option, anything is better than voter apathy. I mean sure last election something close to half of eligeble voters showed up to cast a ballot, but considering, that is still pretty damn bad.

I just don't understand the mindset, I guess. In so many other democratic countries, particularly in Europe, there are numerous parties, that have to work together and make compromises with one another to get things done. I can certainly say that sounds a lot better then the bitter partisanship found in the U.S. I mean seriously, what is so wrong with having another say? Isn't that the whole point of democracy? I mean no where does it say in stone that two political parties is all we can have, sure it may be all most Americans want to endure, but that doesn't make it a bad thing.

For God's sake most Americans are too stupid to even understand who the political process completely works. They have no idea all the things a Congressperson or Senator has to do, and at the same time they don't know how little some do to begin with. The whole situation is sad and disgusting.

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.