Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Moving to Linux

Welcome to Linux
Pop: A few million
A happy place to be!?

Of course, this would be a best case scenario road sign. Really I don't know what most people think when they here linux, but I hear, soft gentle waves on a beach and sunny skies and cool breezes.

So one could easily assume Windows is like a Nor Easter on a jagged rock overlooking the seas.

Of course, neither description is entirely true for everyone. Especially since neither is perfect and there are SO many different flavors.

Either way, I am happy I got someone to try, the most important step, to use a linux distro today. If they don't like it ok, If they do like it ok. I just want them to try it. Seriously try it and see. You may end up liking it a lot.

Iran - Centrifuges - Nuclear Power - Why does this make gas prices go up?

Okay, so Iran wants cheap power. What's cheap? Nuclear power!! The rest of the world, however goes, AHHH!!! NO, we can't have nuclear power, especially not in the middle east, especially not in where we have oil!! Of course, very few people want to admit this as the actual reason that there is a problem. NO, instead they insist that Irans only goal, besides wanting to power the country, cheaply, is to make nuclear weapons to shoot at Isreal and any other country that loves America, or some crap like that. Sure that may be a possibility, but lets face it, we can't really do anything to stop them. Who has the right and power to tell someone that they can't use a clean, cheap power source merely because they may end up misusing it. Seriously, we can't talk, three mile island, and neither can the Russians, chernobyl, so all I am saying is, let us let them have their power now and if worse comes to worse we can do something about it, then! Must we ALWAYS jump to the conclusion that the sky is falling? I don't think so and I would say that most other people feel the same way. So how about we blow off some steam and let them start up these plants and provide power for their people! Is that too much to ask?

Oh and before I forget, all you nancy boys on Wall Street and wherever the hell all the other trading places are in the world, please stop treating every little thing in the middle east like the end of the world and let crude oil prices drop a little. Thanks!

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.