Saturday, September 09, 2006

Lego Star Wars II

From Site:

"This is the Star Wars you know and love, and then again, it's not. It's brimming with the familiar, including fantastic fighting, flying and shooting segments. But the backdrop for everything is a parody that seems tireless. It's obviously not the Star Wars that inspires cult-like reverence if you can put Darth Vader's head on Princess Leia's body, although that makes perfect sense in this game because, right, all the bodies are assortments of Lego pieces."


The Nerd Within Me Laughs and Smiles

I saw this the other day and frankly, I guess it is just the title, (Link in Title) that makes me want to laugh a lot.


I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.