Sunday, November 13, 2005


I am watching Grey's Anatomy right now.

I watched Fox before that, except that stupid show between the Simpons and Family Guy.

Either way, tonight is probably going to be an all nighter. Got some stuff due tomorrow. Haven't really done it yet. That is started.

So I cleaned my room up real nice. Except of course for a few things.

So guys, I want you to know I can be found on Facebook. If you know what Facebook and you know my name you can search me out.

I am going to go to the bathroom now and come back to do some stuff and then get cracking on that math assignment.

=Teh Management=


So, I still can't sleep. I have two more pills, but don't want to take them. When I take the pills I sleep TOO long.

What is wrong with me.

Anyway. I am using my ample time to clean my room. Excessively.

However I can't vaccuum as that would wake and annoy my roomates and possibly the people below and above me.

I am watching Nick@Nite right now. Fresh Prince of Bel Air is on...

I was watching CNN earlier, but they just showed the same Larry King for the third time and well Larry King is good, but three times is rather annoying.

I am going to resort my CDs, DVDs, and Video Games in their respectives disc carriers.

Well off to do that now. Bye...

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.