Sunday, September 10, 2006

Nintendo Wii will have upgradeable OS

According to this article I found on Gamefront Magazine. Of course it didn't say anything too specific. Either way sounds interesting.

One thing I particularly enjoy is the chart they have on their site showing sales of Consoles in the US they only track the PS2, GC, XBOX and XBOX360. And in the US the PS2 is on top. The first column of numbers is this past month and the second column is the total sold this year.
PS2 262.000 34.482.513
XBOX360 204.000 2.413.252
GC 41.000 11.286.750
XBOX 9.000 14.466.834

Now in Japan it is very different.
Pos System Verk.St. 2006
NDSLITE 163.274 3.967.887
PSP 29.945 1.228.844
PS2 21.829 957.440
GBASP 2.719 189.191
GBM 1.819 117.560
XBOX360 1.197 68.677
GC 837 63.116
NDS 410 952.959
GBA 14 3.013
XBOX 12 1.649
What does this tell you? I don't know, but interesting none the less, eh?


Oh and I will try my darndest to get my late blog entries on here by this evening.

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.