Friday, October 21, 2005

I am full

I just ate 4 very thin rib eye steaks thanks to my Foreman grill. I coated them with a "thin" layer of A1. I had a side of corn.

I have to say that was an enjoyable meal.

I am sweating

I don't know why, but it is very hot in my room. I am going to check the thermometer and see what it is set for. Also I have been drinking green tea. Hot green tea and about 2 Liters worth at that. So that could be why I think it is hot. Who knows. Just thought I would inform you.

I am so happy

I was finally able to do something I haven't been able to do in a long long time.

I am sorry

Look, nevermind why, but just forget what I have posted about the contest. It is pointless.

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.