Monday, July 04, 2005

Your mother is a whore, Trebek.

This is a shameless plug, but a good one none the less. If you like SNL clips and want to relive some of those hilarious moments go to the link in the title.

They have Celebrity Jeopardy, The Ambiguously Gay Duo, and many more...

So funny....



Have a god 4th of July by the way, and if you aren't American....well you know exactly what I mean right now don't you. (that is I am German myself). Anyway, Ciao...

About that....

How about that.... hmmm....

Well, for those who know, and those who don't know... I have been sending "fake" emails to you telling you about the blog.

Obviously some of you realised this and others did not.

What is wrong w/ you? Like the FBI would ever send you a real email.

Think about it. Now I on the other hand do apologize, because I got an email from the company I used saying they no longer want me to send messages with the FBI as the sender.

Anyway.... now we can all look back at this an laugh....

Ha HA HAA HAAA HAAAA....LOL....ROFLOL.....ROFLMAO....okay that is enough...back to work everyone

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.