Sunday, December 11, 2005

The great weight loss challenge...

I am going to, willingly, attempt to lose weight.

However I am going to need a lot of moral support, as I will want to quit over and over and over again.

However, I do want to do it.

I mean, I think I weight something close to 300lbs if not more. Over the course of the next few months I would like to lose as much of that as possible.

I kind of fear for my health, you know. Weighing so much isn't exactly normal or healthy.

I'll keep you updated on my progress and we'll see what happens.

How do you describe it

This wonderful, wonderful feeling...


1. The sensation involving perception by touch.
2. A sensation experienced through touch.
3. A physical sensation: a feeling of warmth.
2. An affective state of consciousness, such as that resulting from emotions, sentiments, or desires: experienced a feeling of excitement.
3. An awareness or impression: He had the feeling that he was being followed.
1. An emotional state or disposition; an emotion: expressed deep feeling.
2. A tender emotion; a fondness.
1. Capacity to experience the higher emotions; sensitivity; sensibility: a man of feeling.
2. feelings Susceptibility to emotional response; sensibilities: The child's feelings are easily hurt.
6. Opinion based more on emotion than on reason; sentiment.
7. A general impression conveyed by a person, place, or thing: The stuffy air gave one the feeling of being in a tomb.
1. Appreciative regard or understanding: a feeling for propriety.
2. Intuitive awareness or aptitude; a feel: has a feeling for language.


1. Having the ability to react or feel emotionally; sentient; sensitive.
2. Easily moved emotionally; sympathetic: a feeling heart.
3. Expressive of sensibility or emotion: a feeling glance.

........perhaps one day I can describe it...

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.