So after inputting everything into sparkpeople I have only consumed slightly less than 1600 calories today. I don't know how to feel about this except hungry.
Cheap Talk, throw your two cents in. Listen to what I have to say and you may actually enjoy yourself.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Diet Day 1 Endomondo Sports Tracker
So I was thinking, since I want to start off slow and walk I need to make sure that I can keep track of it. I found Endomondo Sports Tracker in the android market. It uses a gps to monitor my distance as well as a timer to see how long I have been going. I input my weight and tell it what I am doing and it even estimates the calories expended. I did a quick 1/3rd mile around my coldesac and it got it all, even with the phone in my front pocket. This will be a very useful tool.
Diet Day 1 grocery shopping
I purchased groceries earlier this morning. I bought some oranges, bananas, apples and carrots. I plan on incorporating these items into my lunch. Most likely I will still eat a sandwich of some sort.
I also ate some oatmeal for breakfast. It is Quaker Oats High Fiber Maple and Brown Sugar. Only has 160 calories and is delicious. I am going to try to eat this for breakfast everyday this week, with some Orange Juice.
Now for dinner, it looks like rice, beans or pasta with chicken. Maybe some frozen veggies, like broccoli or brussel sprouts.
The key to my diets success, however, will be portion control. This is something I just don't really have at all and will need to work on. Well that's all for now. More later.
Diet Day 1 Morning
As I said earlier I am going to try to incorporate my fresh fruit and vegetables into my diet. I think I am going to weigh myself every day and keep that logged and also my food choices so I can monitor my calories. I will probably be using spark people again, I like their website and they also have an android app.
I don't know much else at this point, but I will be keep a regular log of my progress because I think it will help me stay on track.
I don't have a clue
I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.
It's funny sometimes, you think that you did something good by figuring out why something isn't working, but instead people assume y...
I don't know why and/or how, but I break things a lot. In the time span on 1 week, 7 days ladies and gentleman, I managed to fry 2 power...
I think I eat too much for breakfast. I had a Yoplait French Vanilla, which is really good. I also had a cheddar cheese and mayo sandwich....