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Cheap Talk, throw your two cents in. Listen to what I have to say and you may actually enjoy yourself.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
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Friday, December 14, 2012
So I am going to quote President Obama.
"The majority of those who died today were children — beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. Among the fallen were also teachers — men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams."
"So our hearts are broken today — for the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers of these little children, and for the families of the adults who were lost. ..."
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Apples vs Potatoes
I often see comparisons of windows and Linux and I think you can't really do that. I mean you can compare an apple to an orange, like comparing Windows 7 to Windows 8. You're still talking about fruit, but it's different. Whereas the comparison between Windows and Linux is more like comparing an apple to a potato. I mean that in the sense that they're difficult to compare. Apples grow on trees and eventually crash to the ground. Potatoes are already in the ground and have nowhere to go but up. Apples can be eaten straight off the tree, but sometimes they don't taste quite right. Potatoes are hard and bitter out of the ground. You have to bake, boil, mash, fry or otherwise manipulate them before they're palatable. Apples have a relatively short shelf life. Potatoes shelf life varies based on how it's stored. Apples take a long time to grow and are occasionally expensive. Potatoes take a while to grow too, but they're much easier to regrow and are much less expensive than apples, most of the time. Apples tend to be mostly used in their original form, but occasionally they're juiced, or turned into apple sauce or a pie. Potatoes tend to have a lot more applications and variety of uses. Apples tend to get worms, potatoes occasionally get bugs. You see where I am going with this? So next time you want to compare the two remember their not the same thing and that makes comparing them in an apples to oranges way kind of difficult.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Okay AT&T - What is your problem?
Some of these clients are unfortunately in rural areas and only have the evil folks at AT&T to help them out, or I should say take their money and run.
Basically it seems that every time I call in a down circuit or a circuit taking errors it never goes anywhere.
I have to put in escalation after escalation.
Then if I want to speak to a tester AT&T has this great service where it says "All testers are currently busy This message does not repeat."
Then you're left on the line with dead air waiting and you wait a long time.
Further AT&T has this bad habit of closing tickets before your circuit is fixed.
Then they can't reopen the old ticket, oh no.
You have to open a brand new ticket so in their system it looks a brand new issue and then whoever you talk to next doesn't understand why you're mad.
I am, in case you're wondering on hold on the dead air line, waiting for a tester right now.
I am working on a ticket for a T1 that went down yesterday.
I originally called the ticket in yesterday morning at 9:50 AM
I had put in three escalations and found that it still hadn't reached a tester.
This morning I added another escalation at 7:10 AM ( 21 hours later) and was transferred to a tester.
He actually found an error or claims to have found an error in AT&T's CO
I think something is happening.
I got a call at about 11 AM now 25 hours later.
They tell me what the tester said this morning, they found something in the CO (Central Office) and are doing repairs.
I haven't heard anything since then so I called them back at 3, my mistake.
Ticket status now says repaired and closed.
My T1 is still down you bastards!
So I call it in and get somebody who is like, "hmmm, what's going on here"
I explained my T1 is still down
He said, "ummm, let me transfer you to a tester"
Now I have been in the tester queue for 10+ minutes....listening to silence.
The hell??
Now the line is ringing!!
Dead silence and now ringing!!
Yay, finally got someone "Roy" on the line and he's looking up my ticket!
He hasn't said anything for about 3 minutes now...I am getting a little concerned.
Have I been put back on hold?
Wait he's back, he must have muted his phone.
He tells me "the computer" was inconclusive in it's testing.
He's going to test it again for me.
I am pretty sure this is going to require somebody to go onsite.
I would think a company like AT&T would be more efficient.
It seems no one knows what anyone else is doing and they rely too heavily on automated processes.
Every other provider we have does some type of either proactive or reactive monitoring where if a circuit goes down they notify us, a ticket is already open and people are working.
AT&T needs to customer to do all that themselves and unless you're a huge corporation putting down serious money they don't take the time to resolve your issues properly.
In case you're wondering I'm filling in commentary waiting for the tester!
Their opening a ticket with the local telco...
Now I have to wait another day because the access hours are only 8 to 4.
Now I have to open another ticket for circuit errors at another site!
Also AT&T's trouble tickets begin with the letter N right now, problem is their automated system can't differentiate between my N and M so I have to repeat myself over and over again!
Anyway it takes about 5 minutes to call in one circuit using their automated system.
I'd rather speak to a person, but AT&T would prefer I wouldn't.
I also have to say "YES" as opposed to yeah or yup
The only good thing is 1 means yes and 2 means no so I don't have to talk to much
I wish they had a web based trouble reporting system, but it would be down all the time because of high usage.
They cancelled the circuit?
The local telco cancelled the circuit on the local loop?
I don't know what to say.
I am so utterly confused!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
We will eventually forget
9/11 was a terrible day, but it is not going to always be on our minds. Most Americans alive today have no memory of when the Japanese bombed pearl Harbor and although we do commemorate the day it is not the same as before. The same thing will eventually happen with 9/11. Especially as the widows, widowers, children and parents of those who died age. Eventually we'll just have plaques and memorials. But they won't mean the same thing and eventually 9/11 will just be an event from the past to most people. Don't misunderstand me I know that for now people need to grieve and have closure. I am just saying that in 20 to 40 years from now it will just be another day.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
So...still losing weight.
318 this morning. I suppose this is a good sign. This weekend I need to do yard work so that should help too! Not sure if I'll start exercise of any kind yet, mostly because it's been busy.
Busy at home and busy at work. My wife started working again, she's a teacher, so I have had to help out more around the house. I don't mind at all, it just keeps me busy. Then work is crazy. I don't really want to expand on that.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Efforts at dieting ...
So for one reason or another I am dieting again. Mostly to better qualify for life insurance, but also to better my own health situation. It is so far a slow and nonuniform start. I started out in June weighing 334 pounds on my annoying bathroom scale. This morning I came in at 320. So 14 pounds in 12 weeks, which is slow and steady weight loss. I haven't stopped eating anything, but just less of everything. I am trying to reduce my portions, but not always. Also I have been doing a lot of house and yard work, which are my primary exercise. Although I am also trying to use the stairs at work whenever possible and occasionally go for walks with Evie in her stroller around my neighborhood at home. Its a start and I plan on continuing as long as it takes because I am just tired of being my usually morbid obese self.
Monthly Shopping Update 1
Well, we've bought everything and the pantry, freezer and refrigerator are fully stocked. Including household goods such as laundry soap and diapers plus other things like that we came in around $360. We'll have to see how this endeavor goes. I think the helpful thing on my part is that I am also dieting. More on that later.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Monthly Shopping
We're trying out this new thing where we buy all our groceries, save a few perishable items, on a monthly basis. This got us to buy a lot of stuff at Sams Club. However we're also shopping around at all the other local stores, not that Tyler has much variety besides Walmart, Brookshires and Super1. Although we also got a few things at Walgreens and Dollar Tree. Basically we're looking for the most economical and at the same time largest quantity. The exceptions are Bananas, milk and yogurt, plus a few other items with short shelf lives that we don't want to freeze like bread. We're trying to do whatever we can to save money. We're also trying to not eat out anymore and cook at home as much as possible. It's just hard to avoid the temptation and convenience of fast food. Either way we'll see how this experiment goes.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Never enough time.
I'm spending too much of my time working. I sometimes feel like I don't get to spend any time with my family. Of course my commute has a lot to do with that as well. I drive 45 minutes each way. Then I'm at work for 7 and a half hours everyday plus an hour for lunch. Then occasionally I have to run some errands after work or I have to go pick up my wife or the baby. I get off work at 3:30 but sometimes I don't get home till 6. Just in case you're curious I get to work at 7. And then of course when I do get home a lot of the times I end up working from home too. Although I always try to wait until the baby is asleep if it all possible. But that usually don't leave me with much time anyway because I'm usually asleep by 9 since I have to wake up at 5 to get ready for the day and leave on time. Well it's almost 7 it is time for me to go inside and start working.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Been a while guys
Did you miss me? See the awesome thing is this. A lot has happened and so now I get to throw in my two cents!
FIRST - A mormon, seriously. Conservatives need to watch some South Park.
Or hell just visit the Official LDS website.
SECOND - Paul Ryan? I mean that'll lose a lot of the senior population, plus a lot of the undecideds.
THIRD - Whats the deal with this pro rape senatorial candidate Aikin from Missouri or whatever that won't drop out of the senate race. Was he born retarded or did he have to work at it. He makes all Republicans look bad by association.
FOURTH - All in all the economy is improving slowly, the healthcare reform is slowly making a difference, we're out of Iraq, Bin Laden is dead, We're almost out of Afghanistan, oh and Obama actually cares about the middle class. Re-electing this guy is a no brainer.
NOW completely off topic they got thr funding for the Tesla Museum in New York. JUST GOOGLE Tesla Museum to find more.
Well That Is All For Now
Friday, July 13, 2012
Outlook 2010 Safe Sender
Monday, June 18, 2012
Good IT jobs in the Tyler TX area
Basically they don't exist. Too many of these jobs are network heavy, which I don't want to do or they don't pay enough.
I mean I don't mind networking, but my main focus is servers and software.
I am not actively looking for a job, but mostly just keeping my options open.
I think I have said this before, but I update my resume monthly. Although I need to post the updates online to the various job sites.
Anyway I have to pack my lunch now and get ready for work.
Been a while...
Work has been keeping me really busy. Home has been keeping me even more busy.
I do have some stories to post including stuff that just happened at work.
Expect some posts soon.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Construction?? Updates...
I am not sure why, but someone decided it would be a good idea to close the road I drive to work on. Just sitting in my car. Looking at another car, a silver Nissan altima. Kind of an ugly car. Oh well they turned around, in fact a lot of people are. I wonder if I should too?
Seems there was no construction. Not sure why the road was closed. A few minutes after my first post traffic moved both ways again.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Had a bowl of life cereal this morning.
Life cereal is so delicious. Especially when combined with 2% milk. Plus a delicious glass of OJ to wash it all down. Today my work peeps are having a chili cookoff, so no need for a lunch.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
I don't have a clue
I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.
It's funny sometimes, you think that you did something good by figuring out why something isn't working, but instead people assume y...
It has now been 1 month since I got married to the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing girl in the world. I love her. I really do. I am ge...
This may not sound like fun, but I think it is. Here is what you do. Go and find a CD you really like. Or make your own. Then find a roo...