Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Oh what a wonderful feeling it is to know that you love another person so much you want to spend the rest of your life with them and furthermore, they feel the same way. I have to say the only downside is not being able to by the largest most magnificent ring, but instead only what I could afford. Not to say that isn't a beauty, because it most certainly is, but you always want to buy something better than you can afford. Either way, I am so HAPPY!! Now only have to decide all the stuff that one has to decide after asking for a hand in marriage. Like setting a date, a place, the wedding party (who will be who), and of course how delicious the cake will be and who will take what name and if hyphens will be involved somewhere or the other little things that people who get married have to think about. Was that an incredibly long sentence or what? The good thing is everyone thinks it is just great. I couldn't be happier. Well that's all for now. Cheers!!


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I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.