Thursday, April 21, 2005


Be forwarned, the views expressed in this email are not necessarily: spelled correctly, fully thought out, grammatically correct, or even understandable. Also only take seriously the sentences you deem to be worth knowing. Also the views expressed here are not necessarily those of you, or thier creator (me), whether or not I actually wrote them. Basically this is meant to be a non literal trip down the street of disillusionment, disappointment, and disgust, for you, me and whatever else this turns into. Also everything I write probably also does/doesn't apply to me as well. There I said it, you happy? And just rememeber you don't have to read this, I am in no way making you read this, and you can if you want to delete it right now.

I can say no more, but after much badgering and complaints I have decided to create a damn blog within which I will catalog these messages, though what I told the people who complained was I would just do the blog thing, instead I will simultaneously post to my blog and then email everyone on the list. I think that is the stupidest way to do it. By the by, let me explain something, my standards are no longer what they used to be. I have become a devout realist and realise how bad everything really is. So now I will just complain about it in my own special way. I have given up hope on everything and I have been disillusioned. I have learned nothing matters, and all is lost.

The above came from an email I wrote to someone after their reply from my orignial message.
Now we get to the point where I talk about more plop.

I don't know, I think my biggest problem is this is not what I had expected it to be. This IS NOT RIGHT. THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!
Anyway, I am sure others have the same feeling, or at least have though similar things. What do I know. I don't know anything and that is just the thing. NOTHING, not a damn thing. I am nothing more than a peon, but so are THEY, those bastards. Let me tell you something, what place do they have to tell me or anyone anything? WHAT RIGHT IS IT THAT THEY HAVE THAY i DO NOT?

....calm down....gotta calm down....all is well....all is good.....okay.......

NOW! Why are we indoctrinated from birth to believe things that are false, given hope, or religion, or other things like that. Sure some of YOU might think that these things exist, but they don't. THIS IS IT, THIS IS ALL, THAT IS EVERYTHING. there i said it. you happy? Does it bother, scare, or hurt you? TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH. GET OVER IT. Now if you are like me, you realise that this is it then and this is all and with that you have no problems.

This is all I have to say right now...more will come be sure of that, and oh yes, this time I use multiple paragraphs, now stop complaining about it. REMEMBER YOU DIDN"T HAVE TO READ THIS!.

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I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.