Wednesday, November 29, 2006

This is the triumphant moment I have been waiting for!!

So I thought it would never happen, but finally I got the one thing I have been trying to get my hands on forever in order to ruthlessly and mercilessly make fun of Whitson!!

Here is the unedited, unaltered image of the great destroyer of minds:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Happy (Belated) Birthday Chelsea

As you now know

The Senate and House are both under Democratic control, so boo!! or Yay!! Depending on how you look at it.

I just hope Mr. Bush starts using his veto power!

I would like that.

Besides that, politically not much else changed that I know of, oh well Rummy resigned. Some guy named Yates or something is supposed to take his place.

Of course things are looking worse in Iraq too, something about a bunch of people kidnapped and apparently we're supposed to be leaving in "4-6 months" according to some guy I saw on the news. That is going to be good!! Yeah!! Woo!! (Please note the preceding was sarcasm

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post Election Day

So apparently we have the Democrats taking the lead in the House.

The Senate is still split 49/49.

Apparently Montana and Virginia are the two still debated Senate seats.

In Montana the vote difference is 1735.
In Virginia the vote difference is 7847.

If it goes the way it is still leaning the Senate will be split 50/50!!

However, as I had predicted to my friends the House was taken back by the Democrats!!


40 seats 49 -4
27 seats 49 4
0 seats 0 0


195 -27
227 28
0 -1


6 seats 20 -6
8 seats 28 6
0 seats 0 0


194,914 49%
193,179 48%
10,166 3%


1,170,564 50%
1,162,717 49%
Independent GrassrootsParker
26,048 1%

Yesterday was my birthday

I am telling you today, because I didn't want people to know.

Either way, I had a good day.

I went out with my lovely girlfriend.

I got nice gifts.


Monday, November 06, 2006

I don't have a job or a car

So, yeah I am pretty much just complaining here.

I need a job. However I have no real job experience. To boot, I don't have a car. Oh and I can't drive. I have a permit, but I need more practice.

I need money to get driving lessons. I don't have money because I don't have a job. I don't have a job because I don't have a car. I can't drive anyway so even if I had a car I couldn't drive it.

Of course, because I don't have job and therefore no money, I have no ability to buy a car or if I had a car pay for insurance.

I don't know.

I need to find a genie and get three wishes.
1) I wish I knew how to drive excellently and had excellent skills on the road.
2) I wish I owned a car that had extremely high gas mileage, is totally comfortable, reasonably fast, and still large enough for 4 people, groceries and a spare tire.
3) I wish I had enough money to pay off all of my current expenses and any regular expenses for the next 10 years.

That would be very nice.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You know your school sucks when...

The registration server gets DOS attacks several times just because the student population of less than 6000 tries to register for classes for the next semester.

Is it too much to expect a school to have decent equipment.

I hate this place.

I have been attempting for the past 4+ hours straight to register for class. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten one class added to my schedule for Spring 2007.

I hate this place.

For all I know they've got a Pentium II/III Xeon running their registration server. Maybe only 256MB and a 4 GB Hard Drive. Of course, this is just my interpration based on their crappy service.

I hate this place, but really I don't. I just hate the hassle of registration. Of course, these stupid bastards did this to themselves. They thought, hmmm...lets add to our student population, but get rid of telereg, the telephone registration system. At the time it must have seemed like a smart idea and maybe it saved a lot of money, but let me tell you, it doesn't seem to be working now.

I mean I don't know since I don't have an active webserver, but what kind of minimal requirements do you need to have approx. 6000 users logged in concurrently into a secure session? I couldn't imagine it would be that much. Of course, what do I know.

I mean for God's sake, this school always boasts that it is part of the "UT System!" However, all I can say is that this school does NOT measure up to what I would consider even close to "UT Excellence." If such a thing can even exist. I can't stand it.

Please, if you attend UT Tyler, please respond to this blog entry and tell me what you think. Or better yet, tell the people who maintain Campus Connect at UT Tyler what you think. The email address is Feel free to include a reference to this blog entry if you want to. Thank you very much.


I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.