Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Still feel horrible

My Face still feels horrible.

Can't breath through the nose.


Got class in an hour.

Gonna suck.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I feel like crap

So, like yeah.

I still feel horrible.

I am going to go to sleep and hope to get better by tomorrow.

Why do people have to be stupid

I just want one day, one day, one GOD DAMN day that I don't have to deal with any stupid people.

Is that too much to ask?



Folding @ Home

Folding @ Home is a worldwide community effort researching the causes, and cures, for various diseases due to the improper folding sequences of protein molecules. has formed a Folding @ Home distributed computing team for members and visitors alike to join. We ask that everyone please join and donate your spare CPU cycles to help benefit Stanford University's Folding @ Home project. Together we can make a difference! This Folding @ Home flash presentation explains how.

How Do I Join?

  1. Determine your operating system.
  2. Decide upon the type of client that suits your needs. There is a screensaver version that uses spare CPU cycles when your screensaver runs. There is a higher performance graphical client, as well as a no-nonsense console/text version.
  3. Download the desired client.
  4. Run the client and have the team number 33258 handy during the install process in addition to your username. Follow the installation guide for your specific operating system, and the client type that you've decided upon.

What is protein folding and how is folding linked to disease? Proteins are biology's workhorses -- its "nanomachines." Before proteins can carry out these important functions, they assemble themselves, or "fold." The process of protein folding, while critical and fundamental to virtually all of biology, in many ways remains a mystery.

Moreover, when proteins do not fold correctly (i.e. "misfold"), there can be serious consequences, including many well known diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease, and many Cancers and cancer-related syndromes.

You can help by simply running a piece of software. Folding@Home is a distributed computing project -- people from through out the world download and run software to band together to make one of the largest supercomputers in the world. Every computer makes the project closer to our goals.

Folding@Home uses novel computational methods coupled to distributed computing, to simulate problems thousands to millions of times more challenging than previously achieved.

Just remember to contribute to TEAM #: 33258

Monday, November 28, 2005

In Soviet Russia

Yakof Smirnoff is a funny love this stuff.

Just click on the link damnit.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Story Time volume. 1

Hello and welcome, to what will become, shortly, a regular thing here in the blog. A time when I tell you a story, except this time it is all fake. However it will still include observations I have made about things.

Today's story: The Attacker

So it was a very long time ago that a small village in the hills of Newfoundland were being terrorized at night. The villagers had little defense from these attacks. They happened without warning and cause. Or so they assumed anyway. Something close to a dozen people, well really women and children, were kidnapped from the village. After each attack men from the village would look and look and look for them. However none were found.

However one night, the villagers being pompous asses, exploited one of the women into being a decoy. So they could finally figure out who the attacker was and hopefully stop them from doing what they were doing. Close to midnight the attacker struck and being to burn buildings at the other end of town. Quickly the attacker then went for the women who was "asleep" under a tree. Of course this was too tempting for the attacker.

The attacker went for the women and just as soon as he got close, shots were fired from all over. He was dead. So was the women due to poor accuracy. The others were never heard from again, because they didn't think to ask questions and shoot later, instead of shooting first and then hoping to ask questions.

Eventually the colony died because there were only three women left and 6 children 4 of which were guys. However there were close to 40 men. As you can "that" just doesn't work.

Well that was the first gripping, nonsensical story.

Interesting site

Go to the site in the link title. It is a website run by my uncle and his friend.

You might find it amusing. GO and see it now.


Sometimes things don't work out

Well I recently got into some fickle issue with my bank account. Something about a TLG or Trilegiant. As I belive the company is called.

But thankfully my bank is a nice people. So all will hopefully be worked as best as possible.

Also catch the last day of the Thanksgiving Bond-a-thon on Spike today.



Friday, November 25, 2005

Funny TV Guide

I was flipping through the TV guide thing on my grandma's cable box. (She has Time Warner cable). Anyway, there is at the time of me writing this a posting for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the clones.
It says Amazing special effects make up for the stilted dialogue and wooden acting.

Well, they still won

They won, but not by as much as I wanted and not by a shut out. Either way they still won.

BTW, A&M Suxxors

Texas vs TX A&M

Okay, so we're still in the second half right now and it looks like Texas has this one. Sure there have been a few issues, but they will score another 46 points. Why? Because I said so. Also A&M has to lose. That is just the way it is. More updates at half time or next long commerical break.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Turkey Day

Well depending on where you are and when you read this it is on or about Thanksgiving.

I just wanted to say something again, but I forget. I am mainly using this post a bunch today.

I find when I am bored I post more to the blog.

Also don't forget the recent change.

Of course if you didn't know about, well you wouldn't know about it.

I've done the old man proud...maybe?!?

I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
W. C. Fields
US actor (1880 - 1946)

All right so here are ten more quotes from the master:
A thing worth having is a thing worth cheating for.

Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.

I always keep a supply of stimulant handy in case I see a snake--which I also keep handy.

I never vote for anyone; I always vote against.

I've never struck a woman in my life, not even my own mother.

Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.

Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.

Last week, I went to Philadelphia, but it was closed.

Funny stuff. There is more, but I have neither the patience or want to search for more.
Please enjoy the change because one letter does make a difference.

Never rely on fools

Okay, so I don't know what is going on, but um, yeah.

Not a happy camper right now.

All right then.

Microsoft Fouls Up Again

I have to say I trust the source and think it is funny.

Click the link in the title, I don't want to give anything away, except if they were any other company they would be going bankrupt.

Simpsons, funny...

I just saw a funny Simpsons episode...

Ms. Krabopel: You and I are too different
Comic Book Guy: I don't understand
Ms. Krabopel: It's like I am D.C. Comics and you are Marvel
Comic Book Guy: I totally understand
Comic Book Guy then looks very sad.


Also that might not be an exact quote, but like I can remember anything.


Well, it is official now....

Oh well...

It was such a good show...

Oh well....

Just thought you should know...

Oh well...

Giggidy Giggidy Goo

Anyway, humorous post I liked it.

Now to attempt to top it.

This is what would happen if Whitson had a baby with well how am I kidding, his genes are as good as dead....

Anyway, I am now at my grandmothers and hopefully my home pc is still running, *nudge* *wink* *cough* *poke*

So until whenever, ciao!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving, a little early....

if you are American anyway. You know America isn't the only country that celebrates a thanksgiving.

Anyway. Just wanted to get that out there and whatever. Either it is just too early, or my readers don't care, but I have yet to get Hatemail for my below posts.

I also managed to sleep a little, but now wish I hadn't woken up until 10. Oh well. I am going to Eat some breakfast.

Anyway have a good Thanksgiving holiday and stuff. Also try not to get beaten, killed or run over during your black Friday shopping. I don't plan on doing any, but I know a lot of you will.

What is the deal with certain ethnic groups?

I don't consider myself a racist, but I have made several observations about things in general. I don't mean to offend anyone by what I am saying, but I can't help it. If you are offended, however, tough.

You scored as A little. Haha.. You're a little of one. Not that bad though. You mostly just joke about it to be funny.

A little




Not at all


Are you racist????
created with

These are the results from the quizfarm quiz linked to in the title.
Well, there you go. But anyway, my observations:

First, lots of black people/African Americans/whatever you want to call them seem to rap/sing/whatever about things that most people probably don't consider a good thing. First there are songs which contain horrible things about women, I mean extremely derogatory things. I find these things dispicable. Then there are songs which are also extremely sexually explicit in nature. As well as songs that are heavily influenced by violent acts against others, police officers and the like and again women. Why would anyone seem to glorify these things? I certainly can't understand it.

Second, Asians (Though I can't really put them all in one group I am because well I don't any better and it is funnier this way.) are so damn confusing. Now don't take that wrong way, but so frequently I find that asian people are torn between old customs and an assimilation into the Western U.S. type culture. So there are so many confusing things happening. I don't know, I can't come up with anything specific. But, you know what I mean don't you.

Third, gay people, homosexuals primarly though lesbians and maybe transexuals or other genderqueer people could be put in this too, are so damn flamboyant and at the same time not. Let me put that a better way. Usually many of them are quite flamboyant, but to frequently they are so damn subtle in their mannerisms. Basically what I am trying to say it is too damn difficult to tell if someone is gay nowadays. It isn't that I am looking for gay people. However, I am trying to say that they should be easier to identify. Basically so I can make fun of them. Someone should make a practical functioning gaydar. Seriously, wouldn't that be cool.

Fourth, illegal immigrants, any and all of them, even if I already mentioned them in some other group, are just crap. Look I don't care what anyone says. In the long run the economy would be doing a lot better if there were no illegal immigrants. Sure there are some who even pay taxes, but most don't. Most illegal immigrants just suck money from people who could be making it, people who would work an honest days work. It just angers me so.

Finally, leading up to this from the previous, Americans are so damn annoying. Now don't yell at me yet, read what I have to say. First get off your damn high horses, all of you on all rungs of the economic ladder. Just because you think a job is below you or demeaning or plain awful doesn't mean it is. A job is a job. You need to understand that is one of the reasons people don't see illegals for the evil and horror that they are. I don't mean to go to that extreme, but I will. Look, an other thing is this. Terrorists and the like are not all the same people. Just because terrorists reside in a country, whether the country admits it or not, does not mean that every person in the country is a fricking terrorist, OK? There are good people in these countries. So Carpet bombing or the like is not a prudent action. You know when Hitler killed a selective group of people, most people HATED IT. Yet when it is proposed in some manner by so Americans, it seems okay? WHY? Why do we hold this double standard. Is it because when it happens to us its different. That shouldn't be it.

Look, I may have gotten off track, but I just get so angry about these things. Me the pessimist who sees the world as a total evil. Oh well. I am going to go now. Now you can yell at me and send me your hate mail. Because I know it is going to come.

Ciao, =B=

New Blogger.....

Well, I have now found someone to aid me in blogging and after correcting their email address, they should begin blogging anytime after they accept my invitation to be a member of the blog.

At least I think it works that way.

Well happy blogging for all of the 2 readers of this blog. Well for all I know there are regulars, but I don't believe it.


I just want to fall asleep sometime between midnight and 1 A.M. Yet I can not do it. I can not find the ability to keep myself in a neutral state. I just want to sleep. Sleep for atleast 6 hours. Wake up sometime before 7 A.M.


Okay, so besides that. I keep getting headaches. That might be related to inability to sleep at night. I should interject that I can fall asleep as soon as dawn brakes. As soon as I see the beginning of a blue sky I somehow become able to sleep, just like that. However just minutes earlier, nothing.

Further I have been suffering from intermittent heartburn. I don't think that is related to my sleep, more so my diet. However I am not ruling anything out.

Well atleast I can find slightly entertaining things on TV at what is now 3:15 in the morning. Of course it all depends on your opinion of good. I am watching the Cosby show.

I realise it might make for bad, well lots of things, but I think after the show ends I will take a shower. That might help me sleep.

Well that is all for now, though I am going to make at least 1 possibly two more posts, that you'll read first because they will be above this one, so you already know that I wrote them.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Spike TV Farmed it up again

Jesus, why the hell were games that weren't even released yet in some of the categories? What the Farm, I mean seriously.

They don't get it do they. First of all no one wants to hear some rapper at the video game awards, most people would like objective results, most people would NOT like games in certain categories, (LIKE GAME OF THE FARMING YEAR) if they HAVE NOT BEEN FARMING RELEASED YET, and of course most people would LOVE to see anyone other than SPIKE TV doing video game awards. HELL even G4, would in some small way be a better choice.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Some questions

Why does Fox News call Suicide Bombers, Homocide Bombers? Sure they do kill other people, but more importantly they kill themselves, and whether you want to admit it or not they become marters for their cause. Ignoring that fact won't make it go away.

Why do some people think that just because I have a bald head, (that is shaved), that I am in some way sick, (as in ill not the other conotation)? Is it really a good idea to assume that I have cancer or some disease? Perhaps I just like my nice shaved head.

Sleep is a wonderful thing, but why is it I am not getting any? At this point I have been awake for 24 hours, give or take a couple of minutes. I mean seriously. I need my ZZZZs, my hours, my REM.

Why do tests have to be so close together? Is it just a conspiracy or is there any valid reason why Professors clump all their tests around the same days? I am so angry to that regard, however I some how accept it.

Any way, now I am going to just sit down on my bed, then proceed to lie down and possibly sleep. My legs almost gave out earlier. That would not have been funny.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


I am watching Grey's Anatomy right now.

I watched Fox before that, except that stupid show between the Simpons and Family Guy.

Either way, tonight is probably going to be an all nighter. Got some stuff due tomorrow. Haven't really done it yet. That is started.

So I cleaned my room up real nice. Except of course for a few things.

So guys, I want you to know I can be found on Facebook. If you know what Facebook and you know my name you can search me out.

I am going to go to the bathroom now and come back to do some stuff and then get cracking on that math assignment.

=Teh Management=


So, I still can't sleep. I have two more pills, but don't want to take them. When I take the pills I sleep TOO long.

What is wrong with me.

Anyway. I am using my ample time to clean my room. Excessively.

However I can't vaccuum as that would wake and annoy my roomates and possibly the people below and above me.

I am watching Nick@Nite right now. Fresh Prince of Bel Air is on...

I was watching CNN earlier, but they just showed the same Larry King for the third time and well Larry King is good, but three times is rather annoying.

I am going to resort my CDs, DVDs, and Video Games in their respectives disc carriers.

Well off to do that now. Bye...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Oh boy

Boondocks was good, Minoriteam was interesting as well.

I look forward to new eps I think.


Today's West Wing was teh Awsome.

I think that Sorkin has another emmy to put on his shelf from this one.

Good Stuff.

Mon Dec. 5, at 9/8C

I don't know why I am making this post but I am.

I am using the term Melon Farmer a whole lot lately, and that is litterally what I am saying, not you know two other words which actually is what Melon Farmer means.

Also, SF keeps losing, it is very depressing. I don't know why I keep watching and rooting for them.

They are losing right now 10-6, perhaps there is a chance.

Still eating that Maruchan Instant Lunch.

I need to name my Gorilla. I am thinking of a name, but nothing comes up.

Got some soup cooking in the other room.

Tommorrow I want to go to class, but don't know if I will be awake.

Oh well, enough for now, just remember to watch West Wing and Boondocks tonight. Good Stuff, eh!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Happy Friday After Halloween

Okay, so I am really just posting due to lack of posts.

Anyway, I would've posted more, but needless to say I am a dumbass, and am currently experiencing difficulties with installing windows and SATA. So we'll see what happens there.

I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.