Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

So losers, today is Halloween.

My costume - I am wearing a surgical mask and have a sign around my neck stating:


Seriously though this is just a costume, lets not get carried away.

I will assume that someone will get carried away and assume I am being serious. Sometimes asshats don't know the difference between a good joke and reality.

Anyway, take a lot of candy from strangers. Also try not to get run over if you dressed up as an invisible pedestrian.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Diphenhydramine HCl

Diphenhydramine HCl is a wondeful little thing. Basically two 25mg tablets allow the user to sleep. How Wonderful.

Last night was the first night, aside from 1 other night, though it didn't count because I woke up at 1 AM, where I fell asleep before Midnight and stayed asleep until the morning hours. I woke up at 6ish, to turn off my cell phone and managed to go back to sleep until 10~11ish.

I am quite happy. Hopefully tonight I can sleep as well. If not I have two more tablets.

I am usually against medicine that isn't prescribed, but I must say I am very pleased with this stuff. Honestly, if you can't sleep, use some Diphenhydramine HCl it works.


Songs with less than 120BPM are rather annoying.

So I have noticed anyway. I am only playing beginner courses, being a beginner in my own right. I have found I do better on songs with great than 120BPM. Those with less than 120BPM, well let us just say I get a lot of Good and Great pop up a lot. I usually hit the button corresponding to the arrow way to quickly.

Faster songs are easier for me. I can more easily attain the beat, if you will. Though anything past 160 begins to get a little challenging. Let's just say I have tried my skill at non beginner songs. To that point, half beats, confusing as hell, especially with a keyboard. I don't even see how you could do that with a dance pad. A controller perhaps.

I am sure there is still much for me to learn. All I know is I just love the music. The songs are all good. I am glad.

Friday, October 28, 2005


I will from this point on send now updates about my blog. If you do not already regularly attend, then you don't care.

For those who do read this crap, thanks.

=The Management=

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I am pleased as punch. Perhaps, I don't know. It is a good thing.

Stepmania, is an excellent distraction. Not to mention a good DDR Sim.

I am playing bunches. Good Fun.

Let's Dancing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What the hell?

Why the frak would Americans on VACATION, yes VACATION, expect jack diddly squat from the government.

Look, unless it is a sudden war zone, too damn bad.




But don't worry, your actions and stupid words have caused the political and more importantly the bureaucratic process to turn the wheel a notch or two. So by the time air travel continues in the places you were stranded. Buses will be on their way to pick your fat asses up.

I mean Christ, why the hell do you have to complain. Look a little rain and structural damage shouldn't ruin your vacation. Learn to make the best of a horrible situation.

Also next time vacation somewhere better, or just say home, stupid.

See crap like this is what bothers me so much. YOU people make me sick. It is like, "OH NO!, we are stranded in a company where our language and money isn't the normal thing, what are we gonna do. Let us complain to the news and say we "desperately" need help.

You don't need help, just a ride back home.

The MEXICAN citizens who live in the resort towns you s**t all over and assume that they are there only for your amusement. They need help. Many of them probably lost their homes. They live there, YOU DON'T. GET OVER IT.

For once, please understand the following, AMERICANS ARE NOT ALWAYS MOST IMPORTANT. Or perhaps a religious example? You aren't going to a different heaven/hell then the guy whose name you mispronounced every time you worded a margarita.

Thank you, I have said my peace.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Okay, so let me ask you this....

Do you read this "fine" publication.

I will within the the next 30 minutes send another of my delightful emails to you. If you are still awake and check your email 40+ times a day as I do you'll see this today, assuming you aren't on the East Coast in which case it is tomorrow as I right this.

Either way I will not post anything for two days after this. I want you the reader to post a comment any comment under this post. I just want a vauge idea if anyone visits.


P.S. If there is something major that happens I will be forced to post, but regardless, just whatever....

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Davis-Bacon Act

Well, I keep hearing about this thing, but didn't know what it was, so I did some reading on Wikipedia (link in title). Well first, it seems that the Bill was made to as sort of a racist law, imho. If you read it, you'll see that it mentions that some people were very upset due to some african americans being contracted to do something. Of course that was in 1927, so it unfortunately makes sense in that time period.

Anyway, the bill itself entitles that the workers be paid "prevailing wages" which seems to mean whatever is properly set for the circumstance for the bill and possibly other benefits. Meaning the workers will probably get the pay they expect.

So it seems that with the act being suspended, hopefully only temporarily, this would allow contractors to legally 1) Pay their current employees less for the same work or 2) Get cheaper new employees all together.

So how is that good for the economy? I mean if people who get too much money, in the opinion of their employers, get the boot for cheaper labor, possibly immigrant or illegal workers, where does this allow for the economy in that region to get better?

I'd love to hear someone explain it to me. Logically it makes no sense. Sure the company gets to save more the federal money it keeps to line its pockets so the execs can have that trickle down effect crap going for them, but again I don't buy that either.

Why can't this country's companies let their workers work for the proper wage for the job being done? Is profit and bottom line really that important. Have we reached the point where the worker means nothing to the company, but a nuisance that must be worked to the bone until the lost drop of effort can be squeezed out for a petty wage that could be so much more?

Look, I don't know what the companies are thinking, but by outsourcing and firing, that is the word after all (none of the pink slip laying off bull), employees they can't expect their domestic sales to go up because their former employees don't have the income to purchase the product they were formally involved with.

Obviously something is not computing on one end or another.

This is so stupid. Look, pay your employees a more than fair wage, their productivity (will/could/may/should/might = pick one) increase. If that occurs your bottom line should still be above the red. You only have to make a profit not a killer one. You only have to make enough to contine not make so much more that you don't know what to do with it.

Instead you pay just enough or less, your employee's productivity (will/could/may/should/might = pick one) be just enough. If that occurs your bottom line will most definitely be above the red, but your employees will hate you. You make so much money all the execs who probably have little to do with your extra income will get fat bonuses those down below might get a bit here and there.

Why? Is money that damn important? After all, we're all gonna die, keep that in mind. Now me I don't care, but from what I understand about most popular religions, your wealth won't make you any better off in the after life, should you believe in that hokey.

What can I say, you probably didn't even read it this far or ever read it. Shame on you
Go on make your profit. Just ask yourself why is it so important?

Syria. Iraq II: This time its legit ??

There is also a link in the title.

I don't I have been reading up on this, but all I can say is I don't see anything good.

Read for yourself, draw your own opinion tell me about it.

Friday, October 21, 2005

I am full

I just ate 4 very thin rib eye steaks thanks to my Foreman grill. I coated them with a "thin" layer of A1. I had a side of corn.

I have to say that was an enjoyable meal.

I am sweating

I don't know why, but it is very hot in my room. I am going to check the thermometer and see what it is set for. Also I have been drinking green tea. Hot green tea and about 2 Liters worth at that. So that could be why I think it is hot. Who knows. Just thought I would inform you.

I am so happy

I was finally able to do something I haven't been able to do in a long long time.

I am sorry

Look, nevermind why, but just forget what I have posted about the contest. It is pointless.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Can't sleep again

Today, I didn't get any sleep, usually I end up falling asleep around 4ish and unfortunately waking up at noonish. However it is 5:24 as I write this and NOTHING. I just took a shower and am about to do all of my other morning things for lack of a better thing to do.

Can someone please explain to me why I am doing this to myself.

Is it lack of exposure to the "real world?" You know I do spend almost all my time inside of buildings except when I commute from building to building.

I just don't know.

I would love to fall asleep around Midnight and make up at 6 again. It would be so NICE.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Look, I don't know....
Maybe I am just making this up in my mind's eye, but I have to come up with some reason for it, that is my lack of sleep.

First I still blame the money. However, I always become restless during what I consider the middle of the lunar cycle. I just know it has some strange effect on me.

Second I think I ma having nightmares and to keep myself from reliving them I am stopping myself from sleeping as much as I can. However I can't verify this as I have no recollection of my own dreams.

I think I did catch one dream this morning, but I don't know. I was investigating a murder or something and I ended up seeing a bunch of dead children everywhere. eeeee.....

I know, but I guess that makes some sort of sense, to explain my lack of sleep, maybe...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Shape of Things to Come

We must prepare for the unknown experiences of the unexplored frontier.

The future grows more and mor murky, prepare for it now, or be swallowed up by it later.

The uneventful events that will transpire will cause mass panic and fear, but also a great welcoming.

In the end the prepared and those less fortunate will embrace the randomness of their destiny and the infinite probabilities of fate.

The universe will be wrought with something that it can not contain.

We can only hope that things will work out

Friday, October 14, 2005

Insult Me

I am holding a contest of sorts, in which you the reader win nothing, but satisfaction.

Until the end of the month, I want people to insult me. I want good insults too. The purpose, you see is to make me cry. I want to see if it can be done. I want an insult so heinous I begin to ball with tears. Can you do it? I think not. Remember you have until the end of the month.


DO YOUR WORST, I've heard it all.

One stipulation, please keep it clean. Try to insult without sware words. If you really want to insult me you shouldn't need to sware.

EDIT (10/15/2005): Either post your insults as comments or email them to with Insult and/or Blog in the subject line. Thanks.


EDIT(10/22/2005): The contest has been called on account that both no one has participated as of yet and my own stupidity.

Moon Phases

I am giving you, the reader, a moon phase thingy. I hope you get some use out of it.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Babylon 5

This show is just gosh darn good.

Got to love it.

Excellent Characters, Excellent Plot, Excellent CG (for the time), Excellent Writing, and of course Ivanova.

May I suggest you buy yourself a copy on DVD or perhaps get it by other means*.

*Check the link you stupid moron.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Without change the end draws closer....

For those who say that change is unnecessary or unwanted. You are wrong. It is needed and must not be stopped. I implore you to seek out change and embrace it. Don't let the worse befall you and yours.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Different Player's, but the Play remains the same....or does it?

Maybe in the grand scheme of things all that matters is that we know something has happened. Not knowing why it happened, but just that it has happened. True, it may be difficult to understand fate or the lack there of, but in the end will it matter. What we do today, someone else will do tomorrow. We they did yesterday, we did today. Do you see what I am getting at. The question of our existence is growing greater and greater.

And I Find It Kind Of Funny I Find It Kind Of Sad

I don't know what it is, but I really like this song. So damn good. Thanks to I found and listened to the original 1982 Version by Tears for Fears. Very Very Different it is.

Also, spelling errors will pop up all over this blog, so quit complaining damnit...

WHY THE HELL WOULD I EVER SPELL CHECK, I hate you people, live with it.....

Your Benevolent and Omnipotent Leader,


I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.