Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Diet Day 11 Broke 325

So, today I weighed myself, mostly because I keep forgetting to in the morning. I got on the scale and it said E... it is one of those pesky digital scales that you have to step on at just the right time or it can't weigh you. Anyway the second time it said 324.2 and I was stunned. I had expected maybe a pound or two, but not over 4 since my last weigh in. I think this diet is working. Of course I have no idea how many calories I was eating before. I could have easily eaten three or four thousand calories a day, since I now know how little actually equals 2000 calories. Of course I say little because I am still used to mammoth portions and lots of snacking. Maybe that is why the obesity epidemic is so rampant, you don't realize how much you have had to eat. In the end though it is a persons own responsibility to monitor their eating habits and act accordingly.

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I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.