Friday, November 20, 2009

Pass the blame around

It's funny sometimes, you think that you did something good by figuring out why something isn't working, but instead people assume you had something to do with it in the first place. I don't know why, but I suppose it was all in good fun. I suppose no one meant anything by it, but I still felt uncomfortable and I am sure to be blamed for it again on Monday. Oh well. I suppose I shouldn't expect anything else from my co-workers. They're good people and they probably mean well, but sometimes they can take things too far. Although I still admit I don't know what caused this issue, but I don't think I had anything to do with it. That being said I'll be sure to try to resolve it as soon as I can. I think I just need to stop taking things so personally. I don't know why I let things get to me. I shouldn't. Maybe I have an anger problem, or I am too prideful. In either case, I just need to relax a little. Crap happens, as they say and its not that big a deal. I think I was the only one really making a big deal about it. That's the other thing, I think I take my job too seriously or I take it more seriously than my co-workers. Who knows. Maybe my job isn't as serious as I think it to be. I am clueless.


  1. Not to impose, but I ran across this and I happen to be on of those people who 'took it to far.' We don't honestly know what happened, or care, and never meant to offend you, and I think you already know that.

    I don't think you take your job more seriously than we do, if anything, it's equal. We have worked an absolutely insane amount of hours over the last few weeks and with no real personal benefit to us.

    Take pride in what you do, and if you go to far just tell us to STFU instead of getting upset about it.

  2. ^ been drinking.

    I apologize for the numerous typographical errors.

    "be one of those"
    "and if we go to far"


    Did you install OpenSUSE as the PDC?

  4. drunk on love for the SUSE PROJECT!

  5. wow. maybe people *do* take it too far.

  6. I think you're mistaken.

    I just happen to think that YAST is the best package manager to ever grace binary packages.

  7. oh and zypper because it is equally awesome.

    I would really like to make my own packaging solution that is completely opposite of what anyone else is doing. Oh, and I would also like to make it can i accomplish this task?

  8. I still prefer source, or even better... Ports.

  9. WTF is zypper? The blog-owner is going to hate us for all this SPAM.


I don't have a clue

I'm so very tired. It's almost all the time now.